All download products are packaged for initial delivery to desktop or laptop computers.
We recommend you first download to a computer, and then transfer the files to your mobile device :-
either using iTunes or your preferred media manager
- a file sync utility such as Dropbox
We recommend this approach because you will then have a backup of the files in case something happens to your device.
Do not download on iPhone, tablet or smartphone UNLESS you know how to manage ZIP files on those devices.
Typically for a mobile device you will need :-
- a browser which is capable of downloading and saving files. Many default browsers e.g. Safari do not do this. If you are using iOS, then we recommend Dolphin or Mercury - both are free downloads
- You may also need a ZIP extraction utility. When you locate the file in your browser's downloads area, you can then "Open in ..." your preferred ZIP manager. There are several free apps available
But remember if you ONLY download to your device, then you will likely have no backup. Please make sure that you backup your device, or store the files using a sync service such as Dropbox or iCloud or GoogleDrive